Attached Documents
- Competitive Carriers Association, et al. petitioners reply brief
- SHLB Coalition, et al. petitioners reply brief
- FCC, et al. petitioners brief
- Joint appendix
- SHLB petitioners brief
- CCA petitioners brief
- Consumers’ Research respondents brief
- Brief of amici Magliocca, et al.
- Brief of amicus National Foreign Trade Council
- Brief of amicus Alaska
- Brief of amici Local Government Legal Center, et al.
- Brief of amicus Public Citizen
- Brief of amicus WTA
- Brief of amici New England Telehealth Consortium, et al.
- Brief of amici NCTA, et al.
- Brief of amici Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, et al.
- Brief of amicus National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
- Brief of amici School Superintendents Association, et al.
- Brief of amicus U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Brief of amici Mortenson, et al.
- Brief of amicus American Library Association
- Brief of amici former FCC commissioners
- Brief of amici CoBank, et al.
- Brief of amici National Lifeline Association, et al.
- Brief of amicus Reed Smith
- Brief of amici Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc., et al.
- Brief of amici 30 state-level associations
- Brief of amici former board members and leaders of USAC
- Brief of amicus the Software & Information Industry Association
- Brief of amicus Oglala Sioux Tribe
- Brief of amici Colorado, et al
- Brief of amici Luján and other bipartisan members of Congress
- Brief of amici Public Knowledge, et al.
- Brief of amici Mackinac Center for Public Policy, et al.
- Brief of amicus professor Wurman
- Brief of amici Americans Advancing Freedom, et al.
- Brief of amicus Americans for Prosperity Foundation
- Brief of amici National Federal of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center Inc., et al.
- Brief of amicus Foundation for Government Accountability
- Brief of amicus Alliance Defending Freedom
- Brief of amicus New Civil Liberties Alliance
- Brief of amici America’s Future, et al.
- Brief of amicus TechFreedom
- Brief of amicus Reason Foundation
- Brief of amici West Virginia and 14 other states
- Brief of amicus National Taxpayers Union Foundation
- Brief of amicus Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Brief of amici Cato Institute, et al.
- Brief of amici Firearms Policy Coalition Inc., et al.
- Brief of amicus Southeastern Legal Foundation
- Brief of amicus Squitieri
- Brief of amicus Immigration Reform Law Institute
- Brief of amicus America First Legal Foundation
- Brief of amicus the Buckeye Institute
- Brief of amicus Pacific Legal Foundation
- FCC’s petition for a writ of certiorari
- Fifth Circuit’s en banc July 24, 2024, opinion