Attached Documents
- Findings of fact and conclusions of law
- Mattson’s trial brief
- Defendants’ trial brief
- Mattson’s proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law
- Defendants’ proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law
- Defendants’ notice of supplemental authority with Mills v. Molina findings of fact and conclusions of law attached
- Mattson’s response re Mills
- March 22 pretrial order
- Mattson’s March 7 motion for clarification of the class period and to compel supplementation of discovery with attachments
- Defendant’s opposition to March 7 motion
- Transcript of Feb. 8 proceedings including oral denial of summary judgment motion
- Jan. 30 minute order denying defendants’ motions to exclude Valeiras and Laffer
- March 13 minute order regarding motions in limine
- Mattson’s amended complaint