Punitive Damages, $15M Award Focus Of Briefing After Vanderbilt Asbestos Trial

(July 11, 2024, 8:34 AM EDT) -- BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — In a trio of motions in a Connecticut state court seeking to topple or reduce an asbestos verdict, talc company R.T. Vanderbilt Holding Co. Inc. argues that trial errors likely led to a jury’s unsupported finding against it for a successor’s conduct and that the resulting $15 million asbestos-talc award and punitive damages finding exceeded the norm and were likely the result of passion and prejudice.  The plaintiff tells the court in her post-trial brief that $30 million in punitive damages is appropriate because the company knew there was asbestos in its talc but failed to take steps to warn users, and there is no evidence that the award will financially cripple the company....