Attached Documents
- West Virginia, et al. reply brief
- West Virginia, et al. opening brief
- EPA brief
- Edison Electric Institute intervenor brief
- States joint intervenor brief
- Power companies intervenor brief
- Environmental and public health joint intervenor brief
- LPSC, et. al. reply brief
- Edison Electric Institute final brief
- State intervenors final brief
- Environmental and public health intervenors final brief
- LPSC, et. al. intervenor brief
- Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc., et. al. amicus brief
- U.S. Chamber amicus brief
- Robinson amicus brief
- Grid experts amicus brief
- Public interest groups amicus brief
- NYU School of Law amicus brief
- Rothschild amicus brief
- National League of Cities, et. al. amicus brief
- Carbon Capture and Storage Scientists and Engineers amicus brief
- Oct. 16 U.S. Supreme Court order
- EPA underlying decision