In Fraudulent Wire Transfer Case, UCC Rules Displace Simple Negligence Claim

LexisNexis ( May 3, 2018, 10:41 AM EDT) -- In our prior story, we reported on a 2017 Massachusetts case in which the check-fraud rules of UCC Article 4 displaced a common-law negligence claim brought by the plaintiff.   Even more recently, in a case decided in 2018, a Delaware court dismissed a "simple negligence claim" of a customer against its bank arising out of unauthorized wire transfers originated by the customer's trusted employee; the court ruled that the loss-allocation rules of UCC Article 4A displaced the common-law negligence claim brought by the customer. These cases graphically illustrate the power of the displacement principle as it applies to both check fraud and wire fraud.   Ironically, in both cases TD  Bank was the defendant. . . .